Early registration  until 30th April, 2018

Late registration  after 30th April, 2018

Regular participation

members of IMMSS or SSS

7000 CZK / 280 EUR 8400 CZK / 340 EUR

Regular participation

non-members of IMMSS or SSS

10 000 CZK / 400 EUR 12 000 CZK / 480 EUR


3500 CZK / 140 EUR 4200 CZK / 170 EUR

Company partners

3500 CZK / 140 EUR 3500 CZK / 140 EUR

Accompanying person

2800 CZK / 110 EUR 3500 CZK / 140 EUR

The conference fee is calculated without VAT and includes scientific programme, Welcome Cocktail, Book of Abstracts, four lunches (Monday – Thursday), Conference Dinner, the cost of refreshments (coffee/tea breaks), evening refreshments and cultural event (1 excursion).

Registration is available only using Online Registration Form and students will be asked for ISIC scan uploading (or other relevant document confirming student status).

In case of cancellation the conference fee will not be refunded. However, there is the option to replace with another participant.

PLEASE, note that payment of accommodation and bills at the hotel bar and restaurant is available only in Czech crowns. 

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